Why do I feel depressed or anxious?

Have you ever wondered why you feel terrible sometimes and it seems there’s no real cause to be?  When others tell you to stop being anxious or depressed you want scream “It’s not that easy!”

It seems for some reason that you are just depressed or anxious for no reason, like it just came upon you out of nowhere. Then, you beat yourself up for not having control of your mind and emotions. The good news is, it’s not your fault. Well, not the conscious you that you identify with anyway…

In the Unconscious mind there are things called ‘Complexes’.  You see, your brain is very clever and efficient and in order to code the things it is learning, as you progress through life, it links things emotionally together. Complexes are also called ‘SDMLB’s’ by some clinicians. This means ‘State Dependent Memory, Learning and Behavior’. 

Think of it as rooms in a house.  You have a happy room, a sad room, an anxious room, a depressed room and so on. All the things that generate the same ‘State’ or emotion (in psychology an ‘affect’) are bundled together. When you experience a negative event, for example, as your brain tries to make sense of it, it looks for other things that are connected by the same hormonal markers in the brain. You could think of it as a nucleus with several satellite ‘micro complexes’ coming off it. Once that micro complex triggers the nucleus, everything else including the other satellite complexes can be triggered as well like a set of dominoes unleashing a cascade of negative emotions. We’ve all seen this when we, or someone close to us, just explodes for no reason! They are not just simply ticked off about what’s happening now. Instead, the complex triggers everything that has been linked to that complex! (For a deeper understanding, I recommend the work of Steve and Pauline Richards, two of the world’s premiere depth psychologists who can be found on the youtube channel ‘Jung to Live by’)

The other problem is, we are all constantly under instinctive pressure to develop along certain predetermined human lines. The complexes can inhibit this development causing a build up of inner tension as the genome tries to complete its development but is thwarted by memories, learning that has gone awry and behaviors that are out of sync with the time release unfoldment of the organism.

What’s worse is that complex now has you! It lives you! It breathes you! It literally changes the way you function psychologically, biologically and socially! It stifles the libido, the life force!  If you are run by a complex for too long, it can cause sometimes undetectable hyperventilation and reduce your CO2  to dangerous levels. If this happens for a prolonged period, you will experience burnout and all kinds of negative symptoms such as inflammation throughout the body, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure and much much more. Probably sounds like just about everyone you know right?

Some people deal with this stifling of instinctive pressure caused by complexes by drinking, taking drugs or eating or sexual pleasure. While this all temporarily releases instinctive pressure, it ultimately just ends up contributing to the continuing burnout of your psycho-bio-social system and only makes it even easier for the complexes to get a grip.

Fortunately, there is a way beyond this.  A way to go in to the Unconscious, and ‘Hack’ the complexes so that they no longer trigger the same psycho-bio-social maladaptations. The key to this is…you guessed it!


A skilled Hypnotherapist can do amazing things to put you back on track and learn new ways of redirecting instinctive pressures that allow you to function at your optimum on the psychological, physical and social levels.



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