Hypnotic Human Potential

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could tap more of your latent potential? What if you could learn to reprogram your mind using simple techniques and strategies? What would you learn? What would you achieve? What would you accomplish? 

 We often have far more genomic potential than we can even understand properly. Again, as we develop, we create complexes or State-Dependent Memory, Learning and Behavior patterns that can either release genomic potential or inhibit it almost completely. 

But what if you could go in and change those patterns? What if you could install powerful new ones that release astonishing potential? 

Many Athletes from a variety of sports have used hypnosis as a part of their psychological conditioning. Take the example of the astonishing ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson. Mr Tyson was fortunate enough to come under the tutelage of the late World Championship boxing trainer Cus D’Amato. He believed that fighting was around 80% psychological and he had his fighters regularly placed under hypnosis.

In his book ‘Iron Ambition’, Mike Tyson recalls “When we’d get to Halpin’s (the hypnotherapist) office, he’d have us lie on a rug on his floor and he’d put us under. Once we were hypnotized, he’d turn the conditioning over to Cus and Cus would address each of us individually and go over the areas where we needed improvement” Mike continues  “ I didn’t feel any different after the experience but I performed better and so did the other guys who got hypnotized. The next day in the gym you’d go, “Holy moly, what a difference! That guy is much calmer in the ring!” And it wasn’t something that went away after a few days. People were making breakthroughs!”

Needless to say, Tyson went on to win the heavyweight title and was in fact the youngest heavyweight World Champion in history.

Tyson was not alone in this. Ken Norton also underwent hypnotherapy before beating Mohammed Ali. In the 1980s, a hypnotist named Peter Siegel worked with the amazing bodybuilder Lee Haney who went on to win the Mr Olympia title eight years in a row! Baseball player Rodney Carew sought the help of a hypnotist after an injury had given him doubts in his performance. He ended up playing the best season of his entire career and won the MVP! Jimmy Connors used hypnosis to win the U.S. Open. Mary Lou Retton used hypnosis to block pain in her foot and won the Gold medal for gymnastics. Thomas Edison used auto-suggestive trance on regular occasions to come up with incredible business ideas and inventions. Fergie, lead singer of the black-eyed peas kept a hypnotherapist on speed dial while touring. Princess Diana used hypnosis for public speaking. Sylvester Stallone worked with the famous hypnotherapist Gil Boyne while filming Rocky. Mozart composed the famous opera “Cosi fan Tutte” while hypnotized. Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, James Earl Jones and Tiger woods all used hypnosis to stop stuttering!   The list goes on and it is massive!

I myself used self-hypnosis to educate myself after failing high school. I learned to speed read and drastically improved my comprehension which enabled me to go on and study at university and I went on to read thousands of texts. I also learned to replicate the amazing 2 fingers push up the feat of Bruce Lee and equal the Guinness world record for punches per second (13). I also used it to replicate the guitar techniques of some of the greatest players in the world and land a speaking role in a feature film after only a couple of months of acting lessons and many more other things besides! I say this only as a testament to the power of the Unconscious mind.

I wonder what you could do if you decide to unlock your potential…



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