
wedding, beach, love

Have you ever had trouble with relationships? I know I have.

Picking the wrong partner.

Being the wrong partner.

Obviously there are minor exceptions to most rules, but as a general rule the instinctive drive of human development is driving us toward sharing our lives with someone special to us, whatever you’re sexual preference happens to be.

The thing that determines how well we pull this off is what is known as the ‘Relating Factor’. We have an instinct for ‘relating’, both to ourselves and to others. Remember, we aren’t just psychological creatures and we aren’t just biological creatures either. We are very much social organisms. Even multi-cellular bacteria operate in ways that are highly social, each performing different tasks that benefit the cells of the organism making them mutually reliant whilst working to the detriment of cells which don’t contribute to the others. There is a deep biological basis for relating.

The problem is, the human brain has a two edged sword in its plasticity. It can help enhance the power of instinct and channel it in new and improved ways to suit the changing environment or it can act as a blocking mechanism to the current of instinctive pressure.  

Perhaps you had terrible experiences growing up. Perhaps a primary care giver was absent. This can result in maladaptive complexes that hamper your Psycho-bio-social development and affect the way you relate, not just to a romantic partner, but other human beings in general. This ‘Instinct wounding’ can hamper your life in many ways, most of which are very unpleasant.

But what if you could go into you’re unconscious where all this takes place. What if you could go back to your childhood and give yourself all the love you ever needed? What if you could desensitize the emotional impact of a painful past relationship that is hampering your current behavior in relationships now?

The great news is: YOU CAN!

With hypnosis, we can utilize the plasticity of the brain and make it work for us and heal the past, releasing ourselves from it and allowing the healthy function of our relating instinct! When this happens your taste in partner will change. Your own behavior in relationships will change. You will become the person you always wanted to become, in the relationship you always dreamed of having and anyone who’s managed this will tell you: Finding the right partner will elevate you in ways that being alone never could, it can cause you to rise up to your highest potential and your relationship can be the vehicle for human development that nature intended it to be.



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