Power Tips
Trance yourself!
Many people wanting to experience hypnosis for the first time might wonder how they might do this for themselves. The answer is, you are in trance more often than you may think! You see, whenever your attention is absorbed, your left brain activity diminishes and the brain chatter begins to quieten down. As this happens, there is a generally a state of what is known as ‘Ataraxia’, a state of freedom from emotional disturbance which is accompanied by the relaxation of the body. Trance is really easy to achieve and you can try it for yourself. First, get comfortable in your chair. Relaxing physically can send the mind quite naturally into a trance. Then, simply pick a spot on the wall and allow your attention to be absorbed by it. While knowing how to direct a trance to create changes is a little bit more sophisticated, there are many therapeutic benefits to simply experiencing a trance in itself…
Priming the Unconscious
In hypnosis, there is a phenomenon known as ‘priming’. To prime something means to get it ready for use. Quite often when giving a pre-talk to a client, I will prime them for what to expect in the session, things like relaxation and calmness. By repeating these kinds of words and ideas, the Unconscious then becomes primed to experience them. This phenomenon isn’t just something that works in a pre-talk with a client but can be a great way to start the day. Repeat the sorts of things you would like to experience during the day by priming your mind with positive affirmations. The unconscious will take these statements and think “oh, I get it! You want me to look out for things that will help me experience that!”
Left or Right brain?
In modern psychology, it’s a well-established understanding that both hemispheres are important and are in fact utilized together for most things. The idea that some people are ‘Left Brained’ and some are ‘Right Brained’ is somewhat redundant. Even things like Logic and intuition both require both hemispheres to work and people that tend to be intuitive, also tend to be better at logic and vice versa. There is some significant specialization in the hemispheres however that shouldn’t be overlooked. Iain McGilchrist, the renowned expert on the differences between hemispheres, suggests there is evidence that the left side of the brain is used by birds, mammals and amphibians to seek food and make tools. The right side is to watch out for things that might prey upon the creature. Both require different types of attention. During hypnosis, it has been discovered that the Left-brain hemisphere tends to quieten down, and the right hemisphere becomes more active. This could suggest that the Unconscious tends to reside more in the Right brain.
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