Hypnotherapy Services
Feeling Stuck?
REAL Hypnosis for incredible transformations!
Tap the incredible power of your Unconscious mind with powerful, profound and scientifically proven principles and techniques from a true expert in Hypnotic Human Potential!
Have you felt stuck on an issue? Perhaps you suffer from anxiety or depression that seems to come out of nowhere, or perhaps you believe you have greatness inside you but you’re struggling to let it out?

Consider all of the things you’d love to be, do and have! Imagine, feeling the way you’d love to feel on a consistent basis! What would it be like if you could take any skill and begin to master it to an extraordinary degree? How would you feel if you were able to take something that would usually require an enormous amount of willpower to overcome and overcome it easily?
What would it be like if you could take the obstacles holding you back and begin to dissolve them right away, quickly and easily so you can get back to being the you that you know yourself to be inside?
Perhaps you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work? The good news is, it’s not your fault! No one ever taught you how to access the most incredible part of yourself! You really can make changes, if you know how to approach the Unconscious mind the right way and I can show you how!
By tapping the incredible power of the Unconscious mind, you can begin to make changes TODAY that, when taken up over time, create staggering results and amazing life!
You see, I too have struggled with many things- from anxiety, depression, addiction, to learning and getting myself to take action on the things I knew would improve myself and my life. It was my own intense struggle that drove me to learn as much as I could that led me on a truly mind-expanding journey to learn to unlock more potential than I ever dreamed possible as well as develop a wonderful, consistent and healthy mental and emotional climate within myself. Life will always have challenges and they are essential ingredients to both growing and pruning us for the full flowering of our potential, but the way you meet and interpret those challenges determines whether you grow or wilt.
The great news is that the meaning is not set in stone! The problem is, the meaning can often only really be transformed through non-ordinary states of consciousness- particularly hypnotic trance.
With a skilled hypnotist, you can learn how to build a powerful rapport with your unconscious mind so that it becomes an ally, a faithful friend and a trusted servant. This is what Dan Williamson hypnotherapy is all about! (Check out the ‘about page for more info!)
Peak Performance Coaching
Is there something in your life that you’d love to master? Perhaps you’ve reached a plateau and are struggling to break through? After 20 years of research in Accelerated Learning and Peak Performance and using myself as a human guinea pig, I’ve learned to replicate some of the skills of some of the greatest people in their field! I’ve even replicated the feats of Bruce Lee, Virtuoso Guitarist Eddie Van Halen, World-renowned landscape painter Bob Ross! I’ve had my own original Music reach number 1 on triple J unearthed, a national alternative radio program. I’ve acted in international award-winning short films, Commercial and feature films (I’ve even shared scenes with an Emmy and Tony Award-winning actor!) I’ve taught myself to draw fine art sketches of people and Animals. I’ve read thousands of texts and taught myself physics from General Relativity to Quantum physics and have even written a physics paper (I’m aiming to publish it soon in the international journal of theoretical physics). I’ve studied mathematics and philosophy and raised my IQ to be in the top 2 percent of the population. All of this from a kid that was labelled an idiot and who failed high school! If you’re ready to achieve the seemingly impossible, call us today and see if Dan Williamson Peak Performance coaching is for you!

Trauma and Abuse
Trauma can impact a person’s life in many ways. It can effect our relationships, our friendships, our careers and our health. When a person experiences Trauma or abuse they can often make maladaptations which can hinder our psychological development and our ability to relate to ourselves, others and the world around us. You see, we are all running on a time release program of instinctive genomic lifespan development which can get knocked off course by traumatic experiences and abuse. Using the incredible therapeutic tool of hypnosis plus some of my own innovations in the most powerful psychological interventions in the world, we can breakthrough and break free of trauma and release the past to free up the future. If you are suffering from trauma, call us today to see how we can help heal the wounds of the past and move into the future with confidence and power!

Overcoming addictions
When it comes to addiction, I’ve experienced some of the worse kind myself. I was a 40 a day smoker for ten years. I was dependent on pot for most of that time as well. Later, in a state of depression I was addicted to hardcore recreational and prescription drugs. Not only have I broken free of these addictions, I’ve stayed clean from them for over a decade without any withdrawls and without having to commit to a 12 step program where I identify as an ‘Addict’ with a ‘disease’ for the rest of my life. Breaking addictions is much easier than most people think so if you’re ready to put the past behind you and liberate yourself from destructive addictions, contact us today to get back on track with who you really are!

Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression can be debilitating and tiring and ruin the overall quality of a person’s life. How do I know? I’ve experienced both! I’ve experienced panic attacks so fierce I thought I was going to die and I’ve experienced Depression so low I’ve contemplated suicide. Thankfully, I don’t suffer from these things these days and that’s thanks in large part to hypnosis. You see, the human brain develops things which, in psychological terms are known as ‘Complexes’. Complexes are State-dependent learning, memory and behaviour pattern clusters. They are linked by a common ‘Affect’ which is a psychological term akin to ‘Emotional tone’. Complexes can grow and take a life of their own and even draw libido or life energy from the rest of the psyche. A complex can then hijack the respiratory function and uncouple breathing from its natural rhythm and cause hyperventilation. When this happens, CO2 levels drop, and this leads to all sorts of psychological issues like anxiety and depression and it even transduces down into the body into all kinds of inflammation associated symptoms.

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